Water Herald


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Mother nature, a personification of nature’s purity and nurturing qualities, relies on a delicate balance within ecosystems. However, when external factors or excessive activities disrupt this balance, the environment suffers. Recognizing the significance of environmental conservation, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has developed an efficient and eco-friendly waste management chain through its Sewerage Services Department (SSD). 

Waste generation occurs after excretion, where the human body discharges waste in toilets, latrines, or, unfortunately, in open areas. For customers connected to the national sewer network, waste is immediately flushed out and transported through the sewerage system. However, those not connected rely on temporary storage facilities like septic tanks or resort to open defecation, which poses environmental risks. The NWSC aims to minimize such practices and ensure waste containment is efficient and sanitary.

Waste from customers connected to the sewer network is seamlessly transported to the designated sewerage treatment plants through the existing network. Private cesspool emptier vehicles play a crucial role in transporting waste from points of containment to the treatment plants. Within the Kampala metropolitan area, the Bugolobi and Lubigi sewerage treatment plants handle the waste, ensuring efficient management of the city’s sewage.

The core of the waste management chain lies in the treatment processes employed by the NWSC. These processes focus on removing harmful impurities, reducing pollution, and producing environmentally friendly and reusable products. After treatment, the waste is transformed into two forms: effluent (liquid form) and solid sludge. The solid sludge is dried and sold as valuable manure and fertilizers, generating income while contributing to sustainable farming practices. The effluent is released into nearby wetlands, where natural purification occurs through self-cleansing mechanisms.

The NWSC demonstrates its commitment to environmental safety through state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure. By implementing innovative technologies, the corporation ensures waste treatment is carried out in an eco-friendly manner, avoiding pollution and harm to nature. Ongoing global efforts focus on improving waste management technology and infrastructure, striving for continuous advancements in this vital field.

The NWSC’s waste management chain exemplifies the corporation’s dedication to environmental conservation. Through efficient processes, waste is handled responsibly, and harmful impurities are removed, resulting in reusable products and minimized pollution. 

With ongoing innovations in technology and infrastructure, waste management practices continue to improve worldwide. The NWSC sets a positive example, showcasing the importance of sustainable waste management for the well-being of our ecosystems.

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