Water Herald


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All avenues will be exhausted to halt Non-Revenue Water in the Kampala Water region and next in line is the installation of Ultrasonic Meters. This, the General Manager Kampala Water, Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya made known during a NRW workshop held with KW Partners and Engineers at the corporation’s International Resource Center (IREC). 

Notably, Ultrasonic water meters can aid in the fight against Non-Revenue Water (NRW) by accurately measuring water flow and detecting leaks in the distribution network. They use high-frequency sound waves to measure water flow and are more accurate than traditional mechanical meters as well as have a higher resolution, which means they can detect even small changes in flow. This makes them ideal for identifying leaks in the distribution network, even small ones that might go unnoticed by the traditional meters, enabling the corporation to quickly identify and repair leaks.

So the plan is rather clear and simple; install ultrasonic water meters throughout the distribution network, accurately measure the amount of water that is being produced and distributed, easily detect any anomalies in the distribution network thus any discrepancies between the amount of water produced and the amount of water that is billed to customers, intervene, and eliminate NRW.

Eng. Lutaaya stated that the large consumers would be the inaugural group before roll-out to all customers in the greater Kampala Metropolitan.

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