Water Herald


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Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, the Managing Director-National water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) alongside a contingent from NWSC Headquarters, visited the areas of Mityana and Mubende, with the aim of directly engaging area staff, shedding light on existing challenges and offering strategic solutions.

In his resolute address, Dr. Silver Mugisha emphasized the importance of clarity in identifying and addressing pain points as a catalyst for organizational growth and service efficiency. He underscored the necessity for staff to introspect, pinpointing issues within their realm of influence, such as the imperative reduction of Non-Revenue Water and the enhancement of response rates. Moreover, he advocated for the optimization of business sizes, suggesting a reevaluation of staffing in areas lacking justification for their current capacity.

Among the challenges highlighted during the discourse was the issue of erratic power supply. In response, Dr. Mugisha proposed a three-pronged approach encapsulated by the “3 C’s”: Communication, cooperation, and coordination. He stressed the importance of fostering robust relationships with local authorities and stakeholders to navigate challenges effectively, particularly those related to responsiveness.

Expounding on NWSC’s operational ethos, Dr. Mugisha likened the corporation to a hybrid entity, blending governmental oversight with private sector dynamism. He urged staff to adopt a proactive stance towards business development, emphasizing revenue maximization, improved billing practices, and the expansion of service coverage.

In alignment with this vision, Dr. Mugisha advocated for stringent cost management measures, urging a collective commitment to fiscal prudence. He underscored the imperative of maximizing revenue streams while containing operational costs; a dual approach essential for sustained growth.

Looking ahead, Dr. Mugisha highlighted ambitious targets outlined in NWSC’s corporate plan for the next five years, which include; a significant expansion of service coverage, with projected increases in the number of towns served, connections facilitated, pipeline network length, and total asset base.

Addressing the lingering repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly its financial strain, Dr. Mugisha acknowledged the challenges posed by outstanding debts and revenue shortfalls. However, he rallied staff to redouble their efforts, emphasizing the critical role of billing accuracy and revenue collection in mitigating financial setbacks.

In a show of solidarity, area staff voiced their concerns to Mr. Rahim Apelimo, the Senior Manager Human Resources-Central region, who offered reassurance and pledged management’s unwavering support. Mr. Samuel Apedel, Director of Public Relations and Communication, also lent his expertise.

Committed to Water for All, NWSC and its dedicated staff stand poised to overcome obstacles and forge a path towards a brighter future.

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