Water Herald


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In a commendable effort to expedite the achievement of sustainable water and sanitation for all, the dedicated Kakumiro area team, comprising of Area Manager Tumuhairwe Godfrey, Area Engineer-Amanya Arnold, and Marketing Assistant-Kabanwagi Margret, recently embarked on an impactful awareness campaign. The primary goal of this campaign was to enhance access to clean water and sanitation services in the region. By targeting water-borne diseases, community health, and overall quality of life, the team aimed to create a noble initiative called “Water for All.” This initiative primarily focuses on the establishment of Public StandPipes (PSPs) within the community.

During numerous engagements with operators and the local community, the area manager, Tumuhairwe Godfrey, made a resolute commitment. He pledged to facilitate the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PSP operators and the area office. The primary objective behind this MoU is to promote equitable pricing and facilitate effective monitoring of the PSPs. By ensuring fair pricing, the initiative aims to benefit underprivileged individuals in the community, fostering improved hygiene practices and overall welfare.

In addition to advocating for equitable pricing, the area manager emphasized the importance of community involvement, particularly with regards to identifying unfair pricing of PSP water within their neighborhoods. By raising awareness about this issue, the team hopes to eradicate the need for resorting to free water from unprotected wells and ponds. The community, especially local leaders, are encouraged to remain vigilant in order to create a sustainable and just water system.

Utilizing these diverse engagements, the Kakumiro area team seized the opportunity to discuss additional services and educate the community. Topics such as E-billing, the new connection procedure, and tariff indexes were explained using an innovative method known as the Jerry can model. This approach enabled the team to break down complex concepts into easily understandable information, empowering the community to make informed decisions and actively participate in the development of the region.

Their interactions, the area team recognized the need for rebranding and remodeling of the existing PSPs. These structures currently bear the contacts of previous operators, which hampers effective communication. By revamping the PSPs, the team aims to improve visibility and establish a positive corporate image. This visual transformation will not only facilitate communication between the community and operators but also inspire confidence and trust among the residents.

The Kakumiro area team’s comprehensive campaign for sustainable water and sanitation stands as a testament to their commitment to community well-being. By promoting equitable pricing, monitoring systems, and involving the community, they strive to eliminate disparities in access to clean water. Additionally, through educational initiatives and innovative communication methods, the team empowers the community to actively engage in decision-making processes. With their vision and dedication, they are fostering a future where everyone can enjoy the fundamental human right of clean water and improved sanitation, thereby creating a healthier and more prosperous society.

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