Water Herald


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The evening of June 11th, 2024 was filled with joy and celebration at the home of 90-year-old war veteran, Ms. Busingye Joy, affectionately known as Mama Kyama, as the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) installed mains, extending clean, safe water to her residence. This significant event followed NWSC’s expansion of services to Kisiita Town Council in Kakumiro District.

For three decades, Ms. Busingye had tirelessly pursued a connection to a safe and clean tap water supply. In a bid to facilitate this, she generously donated a piece of land to the Kakumiro District Local Government in 2017, stipulating that a borehole be drilled and water extended to her home. Despite her selfless gesture, the promise remained unfulfilled until now.

NWSC took over the town’s water operations in September 2023 and swiftly moved to address the long-standing water issues in the area. The team secured materials and laid the necessary infrastructure to ensure a reliable water supply for the residents, and, on June 11th, 2024, NWSC completed the installation of 0.8 kilometers of piping, concluding in the commissioning of a tap at Ms. Busingye’s home.

“Clean and safe water was the missing piece in my home, and now that I have it, my home is complete,” Ms. Busingye said.

Ms. Busingye expressed her profound gratitude to the Kakumiro Area team, led by Area Manager Godfrey Tumuhairwe, and NWSC in general for their dedication and commitment to realizing her dream of having piped water at her home. To celebrate this occasion, she has organized a thanksgiving event at her home on Friday, June 14th, 2024.

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