Water Herald


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In an effort to bolster safety standards and practices at the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s (NWSC) treatment plants and field operations, the Sewerage Services Department (SSD) embarked on a benchmarking visit to Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL). 

During the benchmarking visit, NWSC’s SSD team had the privilege of gaining valuable insights into UBL’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policies, strategies, and risk management initiatives. This visit provided a unique opportunity to learn from a leading organization in the realm of H&S practices, particularly critical in industries with potentially high-risk operational environments.

The visit unfolded with a series of in-depth presentations, each delving into specific facets of UBL’s H&S program. Topics covered included OHS Policy, Strategy, and Risk Management Initiatives, Construction Project Safety and Contractor Management, 3rd Party Logistics Transport Safety Management Program, Onsite Traffic Management, Forklift and Warehouse Safety, and OSH Management Structure and Safety Committee.

UBL generously shared its comprehensive OHS policy, underscoring its unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of its employees and visitors. The strategies and risk management initiatives discussed emphasized the importance of proactive planning and mitigation.

The SSD team had the opportunity to explore UBL’s effectively manages safety during construction projects, with particular emphasis on contractor management, ensuring that external contractors adhere to the same high standards.


UBL also shared its organizational structure for managing OHS, including the role of safety committees and their functions in promoting a culture of safety.

The informative presentations were followed by a comprehensive plant tour and guided walkabout, offering the SSD team a practical understanding of the principles discussed. This hands-on experience allowed them to witness the implemented safety measures in action, underscoring their significance.

Upon the conclusion of the visit, Mr. Angelo Kwitonda, the SSD Network Manager, expressed his gratitude to UBL for hosting the NWSC team. He commended UBL for their willingness to share their wealth of knowledge on Occupational Health and Safety practices. Recognizing the importance of the knowledge gained during the benchmarking visit, he encouraged the SSD Senior HR Officer, Mrs. Rachel Katutu, to ensure that these learnings are effectively implemented at NWSC’s treatment plants and field operations.

After all is said and done, by adopting the best Occupational Health and Safety practices from UBL, NWSC aims to foster a safer working environment for its employees and elevate the overall quality of its services. This exchange of knowledge and best practices serves as a testament to the significance of collaboration and continuous improvement in ensuring the health and safety of all stakeholders.

Notably, the NWSC team, comprised of Mr. Angelo Kwitonda, Mr. Ronald Kitakufe, Mrs. Scovia Owomugisha, Mrs. Rachel Katutu, Mrs. Morena Akurut, Mr. Banabas Mayende, Mrs. Olivia Kobugabe, Mr. Mugaga John Paul, Ms. Prosy Namara, and Ms. Nanyoga Florence.

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