Water Herald


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Effective stakeholder engagement plays a key role in shaping the decision-making processes of organizations, considering the concerns, needs, and interests of various stakeholders. The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) recognizes the importance of this practice and is actively implementing it in all regions.

In Kakumiro, the NWSC team, led by Area Manager Mr. Godfrey Tumuhairwe and Commercial Assistant Sheillah Ainembabazi, is diligently engaging with an array of stakeholders. These stakeholders encompass local communities, government officials, NGOs, and other water user groups. Their most recent interaction was geared towards discussing the water supply plans for Kakumiro Town council.

During the meeting, the NWSC team shed light on significant ongoing and upcoming projects for the last quarter of the fiscal year 2022/23 and the following fiscal year, 2023/24. Notably, the Area plans to lay 9 kilometers of pipe extensions within Kakumiro Town council, with pipe deliveries from central stores already underway.

The discussion was diverse, covering a range of issues pertinent to the community. New connection procedures, e-billing, the repercussions of illegal water use, NWSC tariffs, and the innovative Jerrican model were among the topics addressed. Additionally, payment options and water bill payment methods were discussed thoroughly.

During the Q&A session, the NWSC team responded to various questions and concerns raised by customers. The level of satisfaction among stakeholders was palpable as their queries were comprehensively addressed. This accomplishment underlines the remarkable progress made by NWSC in a relatively short period.

The Kakumiro Area Customer Sensitization Meeting attracted a diverse audience. Notably, district and town council councilors, police representatives, the Mayor and Towns Clerk of Kakumiro Town council, and LC 11 and LC 1 leadership were present, accentuating the widespread support and appreciation for NWSC’s commitment to improving water and sanitation services.

In summary, the Kakumiro Area Customer Sensitization Meeting exemplifies NWSC’s dedication to effective stakeholder engagement. As they continue to interact with the community and address their concerns, it is clear that the Kakumiro team is committed to enhancing excellent and sustainable service delivery in the area.

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