Water Herald


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In a remarkable display of commitment to improving water management and empowering communities, the Urban Pro Poor Branch (UPPB) recently spearheaded a transformative community engagement and capacity-building initiative in Naguru Go Down. The dedicated team, comprising the Branch Manager, Branch Engineer, and Water Technicians, embarked on a mission to gather valuable feedback from the community regarding the utilization of Susteq water meters. Additionally, they underwent comprehensive training provided by Water Forever Uganda Limited to enhance their proficiency in operating these meters, with the ultimate aim of revolutionizing water management and service delivery in the area.

Central to the UPPB’s strategy was engaging the community to foster an inclusive and participatory approach to water management. Recognizing the importance of involving local residents, the team conducted extensive consultations, actively seeking their opinions and experiences with the Susteq water meters. By taking into account the community’s perspective, the UPPB aimed to refine their strategies, ensuring that the services provided are tailored to meet the specific needs of the residents.

Complementing the community engagement efforts, the UPPB team underwent rigorous training sessions conducted by Water Forever Uganda Limited, a leading authority in sustainable water management. These sessions focused on equipping the team with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to maximize the potential of the Susteq water meters. By mastering the intricacies of these innovative devices, the UPPB team now possesses the tools needed to effectively monitor and manage water usage, leading to more accurate billing, reduced wastage, and enhanced service delivery.

The integration of Susteq water meters not only improves the accuracy of water usage measurement but also streamlines billing processes. Through this technology, the UPPB can now efficiently track and manage water consumption, ensuring fair billing for the residents. This transparent system fosters trust between the UPPB and the community, leading to increased customer satisfaction and confidence in the services provided.

Notably, by actively engaging the community and providing them with the necessary training, the UPPB aims to strengthen stakeholder engagement and promote collaborative water management practices. The initiative fosters a sense of shared responsibility and encourages residents to actively participate in the sustainable management of water resources. The UPPB firmly believes that fostering such collaborations will not only lead to more effective water management but also create a sense of ownership within the community, thus ensuring the longevity of these initiatives.

At the end of the day, this initiative serves as a catalyst for stakeholder engagement and collaborative efforts, ensuring the sustainable management of water resources for years to come. Through their dedication and innovation, the UPPB has set a remarkable example, inspiring others to embrace similar approaches in addressing the challenges of urban water management.

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