Water Herald


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As the new financial year begins, Kampala Water’s Eastern zone, led by Senior Manager Ms. Sarah Namuwenge, has launched an exciting new campaign called “Sell it All.” This initiative aims to enhance performance by increasing sales, reducing arrears, and minimizing Non-Revenue Water (NRW). With a strong vision for success, the Acting General Manager of Kampala Water, Dr. Nicholas Mwebaze, commended the team for their achievements in the previous year and urged them to maintain their momentum.

Dr. Mwebaze expressed concern about the rising number of suppressed accounts and tasked the team with revitalizing customer connections. He emphasized the need to bring back customers each month to address financial indiscipline and mitigate losses. To incentivize success, management plans to reward territories that excel in wooing customers back onto the supply. Additionally, the region’s target for the current financial year has been revised to 32 billion, highlighting the need to acknowledge and address challenges collectively.

At the campaign launch, Acting Senior Manager NRW, Ms. Freda Bugenyi, presented strategies to tackle NRW. These include effective disconnection procedures, community engagement to raise awareness about NRW, meticulous account handling, thorough record-keeping, and regular auditing of accounts and branch activities. These initiatives aim to curb revenue losses and improve overall operational efficiency.

The latest report showcased the Eastern zone’s notable achievements. As of June 2023, the zone achieved a sales rate of 92%, billing at 92%, and debt age at 82%, showcasing positive performance growth. The branch-level billing performance highlighted the top-performing areas: Seeta, Kasokosoko, Namanve, Biina, and Mukono. These accomplishments demonstrate the team’s commitment to delivering exceptional results.

During the campaign launch, the teams were divided into eight groups to brainstorm strategies aimed at increasing sales in the zone. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and ensures that diverse perspectives contribute to achieving the campaign’s objectives.

Ms. Namuwenge emphasized the significance of the “10 Billion Lazima” spirit, urging the team to advocate for the E-billing system when engaging with customers. She cautioned against setting tariffs without proper authorization, highlighting the losses incurred due to misinterpretation of ground activities. Clear communication and adherence to billing protocols are crucial for maintaining trust and maximizing revenue.

Kampala Water’s Eastern zone has embarked on an ambitious journey to maintain its position as a top-performing region. Through the “Sell it All” campaign, the team aims to improve sales, reduce arrears, and minimize Non-Revenue Water. With a collaborative approach, targeted strategies, and a focus on effective communication, the team is poised for success in the new financial year. By embracing this drive and delivering on their goals, they will undoubtedly secure a bright future for Kampala Water’s Eastern zone.

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