Water Herald


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In a gripping courtroom drama, the case of Uganda versus Waiswa and Anor, involving criminal offense 228/2023, took an unexpected turn. The accused individuals stood accused of willfully breaking, damaging, and stealing valuable items, including adaptors, PE pipes, and a straight connector from Nasasa village in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District. As the trial unfolded at Buganda Road Court, the pursuit of justice hit a roadblock, leaving Waiswa and Anor with no option but to face the consequences.

Representing the Kampala Water Legal Department, Counsel Bongomin Emmanuel took charge of the court proceedings alongside Security Officer Muhumuza Elly, acting on behalf of NWSC (National Water and Sewerage Corporation). The duo held a crucial meeting with the NWSC witness, SP. Aryemo Gloria, responsible for the arrest and subsequent search that led to the charges leveled against the two accused individuals. The charges consisted of two counts: Count 1 for interference with works, violating sections 99(1) and 104(1) of the Water Act Cap 152, and Count 2 for theft, infringing sections 254(1) and 261 of the Penal Code Act Cap 120.

Before Her Worship, Lady Kyoshabire Caroline, and the state prosecutor, Nambafa Martin, both present in court, the accused individuals pleaded not guilty to the aforementioned counts. Seeking a court interpreter, Waiswa and Anor were provided with one, ensuring effective communication during the proceedings. With the stage set, the NWSC witness took to the dock, ready to identify the accused individuals and recount her experience with them. She verified the authenticity of the Search Certificate, detailing the search procedure, and went on to identify the evidence recovered during the search, including a toolbox, blade, axe Shaw, two plastic pipes, and a straight connector. These crucial exhibits were duly submitted to the court, solidifying their role as evidence in the case.

As the trial progressed, the state prosecutor requested an adjournment, citing the need to summon additional witnesses to strengthen their case. Meanwhile, the accused individuals sought bail, hoping for temporary freedom pending the trial’s conclusion. However, their plea for bail was swiftly denied, with the court scheduling the bail application for the next hearing. Consequently, the matter was adjourned to 10/7/2023, while Waiswa and Anor found themselves remanded back to the confines of Luzira Prison.

This unexpected twist in the courtroom battle has left both the accused and their legal representatives grappling with the prospect of prolonged incarceration. While the case awaits further developments and the introduction of new witnesses, Waiswa and Anor remain ensnared by the weight of the charges against them.

As the quest for bail fails, the courtroom drama surrounding Waiswa and Anor’s fate continues to unfold. Will justice prevail, or will the accused individuals find themselves forever confined within the walls of Luzira Prison? Only time will tell as the wheels of the legal system slowly turn, inching closer to a verdict that will define their future.

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