Water Herald


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In a recent progress report meeting, significant advancements were discussed regarding the Kampala Water Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Package 5b project (KW LV WATSAN). The meeting revealed that the crucial Susteq prepaid meter, a vital component of the project, has received official approval. The ambitious target is to install 2600 prepaid meters, with the first batch scheduled for installation in late July.

Furthermore, the construction of toilets in schools and selected markets is nearing completion. Mutundwe Primary School, Police Children’s School, and Mbuya Primary School are among the educational institutions benefiting from this initiative, bringing improved sanitation facilities to these establishments.

The program has also expanded its reach to include several new locations such as Katwe Police Station, Nsambya Police Barracks, Old Kampala Police Station, New Taxi Park, Nakawa Market, Natete Market, and others. Renovation and construction works for these sites are set to commence in late June, promising enhanced water and sanitation facilities in these areas.

Remarkably, the project has achieved significant progress in expanding the pipe network. Approximately 25% of the 55-kilometer pipe network has been successfully laid in the Nansana-Nabweru area. This supply line will be integrated with the prepaid metering system, ensuring efficient and accountable water distribution.

Recognizing the importance of community engagement, the project team plans to conduct sensitization campaigns in the beneficiary communities. These campaigns will ensure the success and long-term sustainability of the project, as they educate and empower the local residents on the efficient utilization of the improved water and sanitation services.

The KW WATSAN Package 5b project remains steadfast in its commitment to the development and enhancement of water and sanitation services in urban pro-poor areas of Kampala. With the installation of prepaid meters, construction of toilets, expansion of the pipe network, and community sensitization initiatives, the project is making significant strides towards improving the lives of residents by providing them with access to clean water and improved sanitation facilities.

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