Water Herald


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In a compelling call to action, Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha, the Managing Director of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), has urged religious leaders to utilize the influential platform of the church to teach people how to create wealth, even with small land holdings. This visionary approach aims to uplift households trapped in subsistence farming and combat poverty by fostering income-generating projects.

Dr. Mugisha expressed this important message during his participation in the Martyrs’ Day celebrations at Buhimba Catholic Parish in Kyabugimbi, Bushenyi on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023. Recognizing the role of faith in people’s lives, he called upon church leaders to mobilize Christians towards initiatives that generate income, aligning with the social-economic transformation agenda of the President.

Inspired by the faith and sacrifice of the Martyrs, Dr. Mugisha emphasized the need for individuals to follow their example and work diligently to increase household incomes. He encouraged the congregation to embrace President Museveni’s economic gospel of wealth creation, recognizing it as a vital path towards prosperity.

Highlighting the reality that a significant 69 percent of households in Luwero district rely on subsistence farming, according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Dr. Mugisha emphasized that the church should not overlook the welfare of its followers on earth. While the primary focus of the church is to promote spiritual development, he stressed the importance of guiding Christians towards productive ventures in key sectors: commercial agriculture, industrialization, services, and ICT, all of which are in line with President Museveni’s guidance.

Dr. Mugisha’s impassioned plea underscores the transformative potential of religious institutions to shape not only the spiritual lives of their followers but also their material well-being. By leveraging the church’s platform to promote wealth creation, communities can break free from the cycle of poverty, ushering in a new era of social and economic progress.

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