Water Herald


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In the ever-evolving landscape of the Kampala Water region, where power shifts and swaps are not uncommon, the role of branch managers in the Western Zone is of paramount importance. Recognizing the significance of effective leadership and operational excellence, the Senior Manager engaged the new managers to the zone, in a comprehensive Mentorship & Coaching program. The training aimed to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to grow their business, optimize operations, and provide outstanding service to their customers. Let us delve into the transformative journey these managers embarked upon.

Said managers who underwent the training include; Joseph Ssebuliba- Kanyanya, Babra Noowe- Gayaza, Allen Nantambi- Mattuga, and Sarah Lyavala – Nansana.

A Deep Dive into Branch Operations: The mentorship program covered a wide range of topics, ensuring that the managers gained a holistic understanding of their roles. From understanding the source of water supplying their branches, whether it is from Ggaba 1,2,3, or Katosi, to familiarizing themselves with primary reservoirs such as Muyenga, Gun Hill, Naguru, Rubaga, and Namasuba, every aspect was explored. The managers also learned about the secondary tanks, their capacities, and locations. They acquired knowledge about the major supply networks, including sizes, locations, valves, and washouts. Understanding the different booster pumps and supply areas was a crucial part of their education.

Customer Focus and Revenue Management: To drive business growth, the managers delved into the intricacies of their customer base. They learned how to identify suppressed accounts, address new connections, and cater to prospective customers’ needs. Tariff verifications and metering efficiency were also emphasized to ensure accurate billing and customer satisfaction. Additionally, the managers explored effective debt collection procedures and categorizing customers for streamlined follow-up. The training highlighted the significance of revenue collection and the role of customer care in building long-term relationships.

Addressing Non-Revenue Water and Stakeholder Management: Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is a persistent challenge in the water industry. The managers were trained to tackle illegal use, leakages, exposed pipes, defective meters, and metering efficiency issues. Moreover, they delved into the realm of stakeholder management, establishing connections with local leaders, fostering effective communication channels, and engaging with communities to create a strong presence.

Assets Management and Financial Acumen: The training emphasized the importance of meticulous assets management, maintaining records, and compliance with procurement processes. The managers were encouraged to practice cost-saving measures and ensure contractors’ accountability. Financial management and effective bank management strategies were also explored, equipping the managers with the skills needed to make sound financial decisions.

Empowering Staff and Emotional Intelligence: Recognizing the significance of effective team management, the program focused on developing the managers’ interpersonal skills. They were taught to communicate effectively, identify strengths and weaknesses of their staff, and provide coaching, mentoring, and counseling. The managers were encouraged to reward publicly and reprimand privately, fostering a positive work environment. Regular team-building events and promoting a sense of belonging were key elements of the training.

The mentorship and coaching program has empowered the branch managers of the Western Zone with a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge to lead their teams better and serve their customers excellently. Armed with a deep understanding of branch operations, financial management, customer-centric strategies, and effective staff management, these managers are poised to make a significant impact. By implementing the lessons learned, they will drive business growth, optimize operations, and deliver exceptional service. 

With their newfound confidence and abilities, the managers are well-prepared to navigate the challenges of the water industry while providing their customers with an outstanding experience. The ripple effect of this training will be felt across the Western Zone, as these leaders inspire their teams and create a culture of excellence.

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