Water Herald


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The Acting General Manager-Kampala Water, Ms. Sarah Namuwenge, held an urgent meeting with the Branch Managers, Branch Engineers, and NREs from District Metered Areas (DMAs) to review the performance in some Kampala Water branches. The meeting focused on the need to be proactive in fighting Non-Revenue Water (NRW) while also addressing other commitments such as collections and arrear reduction.

During the meeting, Mr. Richard Nuwahereza, an Engineer from the Water Loss Prevention Unit, gave a presentation to the team about the qualities of a good DMA, steps to consider when determining losses in a demarcated area, standard water balance, and more. The Senior Manager Water Supply (SMWS), Eng. Francis Kateeba, emphasized that reducing NRW is a realistic goal only if all staff members take part in responding professionally to key factors that cause water loss, such as water theft, meter reversal, data errors, and timely leak response.

Eng. Kateeba also urged the team to conduct thorough investigations into metered private fire hydrants and large consumers, such as swimming pools, bars, and hotels, to ensure they document their consumption behavior daily.

After a successful discussion, the teams agreed on several resolutions, including visiting all factories with fire hydrants to confirm their status quo, creating more DMAs as a tool to reduce Non-Revenue Water, carrying out daily leak searches and repairs in demarcated areas, and more.

Ms. Namuwenge urged the teams to implement all the strategies they had laid out and ensure their successful rollout. The meeting highlighted the importance of proactive measures to reduce Non-Revenue Water and the need for a collaborative effort from all staff members.

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