Water Herald


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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation recognizes that a skilled workforce is a critical element in ensuring the efficient and reliable delivery of quality services to customers. In line with this, the Kampala Water Central Support Unit (CSU) recently conducted a training session for newly recruited plumbers. 

The training focused on enhancing the skills and competencies of plumbers in handling large meters with multiplier factors to ensure accurate billing and timely service delivery to customers.

During the training, the plumbers were taught to be vigilant and attentive to any meter readings that may indicate a problem, such as stuck meters. This is because every minute of a stuck large meter can result in significant losses in daily sales, making it crucial for them to quickly identify and address any issues.

The training also covered important precautions that must be taken when dealing with big consumers, such as timely monitoring. Participants were instructed on the proper calibration of meters to ensure accurate readings and prevent any discrepancies in billing.

Through this training, the plumbers were equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to employ in their field of work, as well as identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. 

This will ensure NWSC’s ability to provide reliable, efficient, and sustainable water services to its customers.

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