Water Herald


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The Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) an umbrella association of employers in the country has re-elected National Water and Sewerage Cooperation’s Managing Director, Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha as its chairperson.

This was during the 44th Annual General Meeting held at Hotel Africana in Kampala on Friday, March 24, 2023.

Ms. Annet Nakawunde Mulindwa, was also reelected Vice Chairperson of the FUE Governing Council.

The other governing members elected include; National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), Uganda Christian University (UCU), Bioversity International, Brookside and Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.

The Federation was registered on 18th August 1960 under the names of Society of Employers and it was changed to Federation of Uganda Employers on 17th August 1961 under the Trustees Incorporation Act 1939.

Today, FUE is the Voice of Employers on social and economic issues and is recognized both locally and internationally.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Ms. Betty Amongi, applauded Dr. Mugisha and his administration for the transformational leadership at the federation and went on to suggest that employers consider a living wage for their employers.

“We have talked about a minimum wage but for me, I am giving you a compromise, I want a living wage for workers. A living wage should be something that you present to your worker and will cater for that worker’s accommodation, transport, health, meals and be able to support his or her daily earnings like school fees requirements and other things,” she said.

Ms. Amongi added that employers should pursue an inclusive labour market, and ponder around how they would build on the policy that has successfully supported the earnings of living wage for workers.

“Think through that, how do you address issues of security of work, low payments. Let us learn from each other because there are organisations that pay well,” Minister Amongi said.

Notably, Dr. Eng. Mugisha serves on several boards, including the African Water Association (AfWA), the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), and the International Water Association (IWA). He is also a member of the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE) and the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the United Kingdom.

He is a highly respected leader in the water sector in Uganda and Africa, and has played a significant role in improving water and sanitation services in the country.

Congratulations to the re-elected Chairperson-Federation of Uganda Employers Body.

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