Water Herald


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Legal Aid Clinic; This type of outreach shows the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s commitment to customer service and its dedication to ensuring that everyone has access to reliable water and sanitation services.

The Kampala Water Legal Aid Clinic is a valuable resource for customers who may not understand the legal aspects of their water bills or who are in need of assistance in resolving disputes with the NWSC. The clinic provides a safe and accessible environment for customers to discuss their concerns and receive guidance from experienced NWSC lawyers. This proactive approach to customer service helps to build trust and promote fairness in service delivery, and is a model that other utilities could follow.

On this note, the KW legal aid clinic recently camped at Salaama Branch to help customers with bill-related issues and reconnect them to supply. The team of KW lawyers were available to meet with customers, answer their questions, and provide guidance on how to resolve any disputes they may have with their water bills.

The Legal Aid Clinics have demonstrated NWSC’s commitment to customer delight. These efforts to educate customers about their rights and responsibilities when it comes to water bills is commendable.

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