Water Herald


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The Works Sectoral Committee in the Council of Kisoro District Local Government visited the National Water and Sewerage Corporation Kisoro Area to monitor the implementation of works geared towards reinforcing the District’s efforts in ensuring increased coverage of safe and clean water for the masses.

The delegation consisted of the District Vice Chairman Hon. Nambaje Alex, the Committee Chairperson and 11 Councilors, was very delighted to see that NWSC is always vividly walking the talk of WATER FOR ALL. They were very impressed with the works and pledged to always stand by NWSC in its quest to achieve the promise of 100% service coverage and reliability in Kisoro District.

The Area Manager Peter Ariho and Senior Area Engineer Mukasa Robert hosted the delegation and took them through an inspection of the ongoing works to upgrade Nkanka Plant from the current 3Million Litres per day to 5 Million Litres per Day.

Mr. Ariho explained to the delegation the justification of the Upgrade Works as being 2 fold thus;

Embed flexibility of operation/production by incorporating both submersible and Surface Pumping potential with resilience to the effects of high intermittent power supply.

Increase production capacity to make ample water available for extension to the unserved villages in Nyundo SubCounty, Chahi SubCounty, Muramba SubCounty, Nyakinama SubCounty, Nyarubuye SubCounty and the High altitude villages of Kisoro Municipality.

Mr. Ariho also embraced the opportunity to remind the Kisoro District Local Government through the Council, of the need to officially hand over the idle reservoirs of the defunct Kaberanyuma GFS so that NWSC Kisoro can refurbish them and use them to increase the storage capacity of the Nkanka System at a much lower cost and also reposition one of the reservoirs in Rurembwe to serve the upper part of Rutare Parish (Nyamigyenda etc). To which, the Committee promised to consider the request.

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