Water Herald


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Written by Josephine Lunkuse

In today’s water constrained environment, Non-Revenue Water (NRW) management often offers superior cost-effectiveness and better service delivery which is why the Kampala Water’s Water Loss Prevention Unit (WALOPU) continues to undertake various measures to address “Water Theft” which has cost the Kampala Metropolitan Billions of Shillings. 

Birthed in 2014, WALOPU’s aim has always been to minimize and eventually eradicate NRW attributed to; illegal water use, vandalism, billing errors, metering inefficiencies among others.

The well facilitated unit with double cabins, full-time technical teams, shift facilitation among others, operates in all Kampala Water zones; Central, Eastern and Western, working hand in hand with KW Branch teams as well as whistleblowers who tip them off on suspicious accounts.

Note that, in the month of August, WALOPU recorded 87 cases of illegal water use and in September, 299 accounts were recorded, 80 of which were confirmed illegal water users bringing the total to 260 illegal water users.

While at it, the WALOPU team collected revenue of approximately UGX99Million.


As per zonal performance, in September 2022; Central zone had 36 illegal water users, Eastern 29 and western had 15, altogether, they collected roughly UGX598Million.

The Principal Engineer-WALOPU, Mr. Francis Omara stated that different mechanisms partaken in KW for instance the house to house exercise, not only help them identify illegals but also help bridge the gap between them and their stakeholders especially those with outstanding debt who opt for other alternatives.

It isn’t always “bad cop” with the WALOP Unit as the team quite often considers customer engagements so as to resolve any water theft related issues and have the customer legally reconnected back on supply. For instance, 143 accounts were wooed back on supply between August and September after all parties had a sit-down and came to a consensus that saw to legal reconnection as well as payment of arrears and fines. 

As a result of continuous engagements, sensitisation, monitoring and evaluation, the unit collected UGX125Million.

Despite so many wins registered since inception in 2014, WALOPU still faces a number of challenges during operations some of which include; denied access to customers’ meters, hostility of customers with

suspected and confirmed illegal water use especially in Hot spot areas like Kisenyi, Kamwokya, Kasokoso which in turn encumber investigations.

WALOPU’s success can be attributed to the corporation’s culture of teamwork as the Unit works hand in hand with other departments in the corporation; NRWO, legal, Commercial and more with the aim of putting and sustaining a total halt to NRW.

The Unit has also built an impressive professional rapport with the Uganda Police force and Department of Judicature who have been and continue to be team players in the great success of WALOPU. Notably, after thorough investigations, the field police commander registers accounts confirmed to be illegal water users with the security for referencing to help in filing papers in court.

Senior Legal Officer-KW, Ms. Brownie Ebal stated that the integrity of WALOPU has fueled the legal department’s wins in court against water theft culprits as well as vandals. She also brought to light the fact that most people who steal NWSC pipes, meters and other infrastructure, work closely with hardware stores in the region.

NWSC is dedicated to Water for All.

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