Water Herald


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In its oversight and legislative role to ensure effective management of Uganda’s environment and natural resources, the Parliamentary Committee for Natural Resources (PCNR) was hosted in the Mbarara area to supervise operations of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation in the region. 

While carrying out what is expected of them, the committee believed it to be in order to applaud the work done by the NWSC team and pledged allegiance to the corporation’s promise to Ugandans of “Water for All”.

The Ag. Chairperson of the committee, Hon. Dr. Emely Kugonza stated that braving the long journeys is the only way they can learn more about the sector that they supervise hence enabling them to offer their necessary support. Dr. Emely on behalf of his committee expressed sincere gratitude to National Water and Sewerage corporation for the great job it is doing stressing that it is among the few organizations in the country that works tirelessly to serve Ugandans.

Dr. Kugonza went on to thank the corporation for the innovations that it has pursued and that way established itself as an entity that has gone against the traditional ways of operating.  “When other organizations are looking forward to getting money directly from the consolidated fund, you are coming up with proposals to use innovative ways that can support the government in its drive of serving Ugandans, ” he stated. 

Dr. Emely also emphasized that the members of parliament are partners of NWSC and much as they are in the region to do oversight work, they are also there to learn more about what the corporation is doing, appreciate the challenges, opportunities and plans in order to render support because what the corporation is doing is not for itself but a constitutional mandate.

Notably, under the Mbarara Area, NWSC extends water supply to parts of Kirihura, Rwampara along Ntugamo road, some parts of Kashaka, parts of Isingiro, Kaberebere, parts along Ibanda road and Rubindi, 40kms from Mbarara. 

After warmly welcoming the PCNR, the NWSC Mbarara Area-Eng. Francis Kateeba assured the committee that with the implementation of the Kagera project, the corporation will continue providing more clean and safe water to the people of Uganda. 

The NWSC Deputy Managing Director -Technical Services, Eng. Johnson Amayo in his remarks echoed the corporation’s strategic intention to increase its asset base from 3.8 trillion to 6 trillion in the next 5 years, increase the customer base from 800,000 to 1.2 million, reduction in non-revenue water, increase the customer acceptance and customer perception to over 90%. He noted that the corporation’s activities are aligned to international conventions such as sustainable development goals and the national development plan. He also put emphasis on the fact that water has no color and the corporation’s purpose is to delight every Ugandan and is against the intimation that the institution has continuously engaged the elected leaders because they give the corporation mileage to increase its outreach. 

Eng. Amayo also thanked the committee for always supporting the corporation’s initiatives aimed at improving the livelihood of Ugandans. 

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