Water Herald


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Written By Raymond Musinguzi

In the past 15 years, the towns of Mbarara and Masaka, and neighboring small towns, have not received any major investments in water and sanitation infrastructure, as the investments over time were insufficient to address the locals’ needs.  As a result, major sections of the existing infrastructure are now in a dilapidated stage and there are limited infrastructure extensions to the more recently built up areas of these towns. 

Mbarara, in addition, is facing severe issues with its current raw water source, the river Rwizi, where the impacts of catchment degradation have resulted in the river being prone to flush floods during rainy periods and almost completely drying up during the dry season. 

In an effort to address the dire situation, in 2013, NWSC secured a grant from the AfD to conduct a feasibility study for the development of Water and sanitation Infrastructure in the South Western Cluster towns.  The feasibility study has since been finished, the results of which have been used for establishing baseline conditions to determine technical infrastructure requirements and the resulting financial needs for project implementation.

This Package will be implemented in two phases with Phase 1 covering the water demand design horizon 2030 and Phase 2 covering the water demand design horizon 2040.

In the 1st phase, the main components of the project are: Kagera Intake (8m³), Kagera WTP (30 000 m³/d), Kabingo Pumping Station, 2000m³ Concrete tank at Bihunya Hill, 800m³ Steel Tank at Kaberebere, 450m³ Steel Tank in KAJAHO, 57.8km DI pipeline. The phase will also entail a SCADA system that will cover all the area through radio communication system (150-400 Mhz) which will help NWSC to better operate the new facilities.

The progress of activities is quite promising as the detailed design of the water system started in August 2019 and a number of milestones have been achieved such as: Preliminary Design achieved on 13/03/2020, Kagera WTP Conceptual Design achieved on 16/04/2021, Detailed design achieved on 22/04/2021, Tender documents were given out on 08/07/2021, ESIA- Kagera Waterworks Certificate of approval was given by NEMA in Sept 2021, ESIA- Kagera Intake Submitted to NEMA 31/03/2022, RAP Report- CGV approval- 22/07/2021.

Note that, the tendering process started in July 2021, bids have been evaluated and Negotiation with the best evaluated bidder are ongoing.

NWSC is Committed to Water for All

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