Water Herald


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Written By Cream Ninsiima

A new dawn awaits the people of Lyantonde and the surrounding areas. In the heart of Mburo National Park, on the shores of Lake Kachera, at a landing site called Rukukuru, stands the ongoing composition of the new 5Million litre/day capacity Water Treatment Plant. 

With the new Plant, the current water supply challenges in Lyantonde, characterized by supply shortages, hardness, high treatment costs, and not forgetting the foul smell, will in the next twelve months be an issue of the past. 

This was confirmed as the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s Deputy Managing Director-Technical Services, Eng. Johnson Amayo flanked by the Director Regional Operations-Eng. Edmond Okaronon, and his entourage toured the on-going construction works. 

During the tour, the Contractor affirmed that the construction works are currently at 30%, with the Aerators, Flocculators, and Coagulators already cast, while the reinforcement works for the Clarifier are nearing completion. The superstructures for the Staff House, Laboratory, and Store are already roofed, while more than 60% of the treated water and distribution pipelines have already been delivered to the site. 

It was noted that the site is fully mobilized and the Contractor is on-ground working.

Eng. Amayo commended the Contractor for the progress registered so far and urged them to meet the set deadline. He appreciated the quality of the concrete works and implored the Contractor to keep it up. He urged them to take advantage of the coming dry season to start on the intake structure, bearing in mind its complexity and, he informed the Contractor that he would give his assistance to secure wayleave clearance, so that the pipe laying works can commence. As part of the visit/tour, the team shared with and guided the Contractor on a number of contractual issues.

Once completed, the new WTP shall serve the Nshaara Industrial Park which is currently under construction, Lyantonde Town, and the surrounding areas of Rushere, Sanga, and Lake Mburo Hotels, among others.

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