The Principal Forest Officer under the Ministry of Water and Environment, Mr. Issa Katwesige met with officials from KCCA and NARO with the aim of conducting a site inspection at the National Plant Genetic Resource Center, Entebbe Botanical Gardens for the National Tree Planting Day 2022 as a contribution to the Ministry’s on-going tree planting campaign dubbed, “Running Out of Trees (ROOTS)”.
The Running Out Of Trees (ROOTS) campaign is a private/ public partnership that seeks to raise awareness about the adverse impact of tree cutting activities on the environment and, call upon the public to do something practical about the situation by planting at least 1 tree every year for 5 years. This, MoWE is doing in collaboration with Uganda Breweries Limited and various Stakeholders.

Against this background, MoWE through the Forestry Sector Support Department (FSSD, is organizing the National Tree Planting campaign with the objective of planting 40 Million Trees across the country and every Ugandan is expected to plant one tree as a symbol of environmental conservation.
Compiled By: Mathew .K. Atwine (MWE)