Water Herald


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Key stakeholders in Masaka City led by the Member of Parliament-Nyendo Mukungwe, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga paid a courtesy call to NWSC Masaka Area to discuss issues related to water service delivery in the Area.

The team comprised of different MPs of greater Masaka including; Hon. Mathias Mpuuga – MP. Nyendo Mukungwe, Hon. Kakande Juliet – MP. Masaka City Woman MP, Dr. Abed Bwanika – MP. Kimanya Kabonera, Hon. Florence Namayanja – Masaka City Mayor, Mr. Mulindwa Michael – Nyendo Mukungwe Division Mayor, Sadab Kitatta – Senior Public Affairs Officer, The Parliament of Uganda, sought to air out their grievances affiliated to the NWSC services.

The entourage complained about; unreliable water supply in some parts like Kabonera and surrounding areas, limited service delivery, delays in new connections, need to expand the sewerage network and, the hardly enough nurturing of key water sources.

On a lighter note, Hon. Florence Namayanja thanked NWSC for the good service delivery so far rendered to Masaka Area in the past and the ongoing present. She highlighted some; the construction of a public toilet in Kirumba Misansala, her former constituency, offering hand washing centers in the key public places like markets.

The stakeholders pledged to render support to the new Area Manager – Eng. Mujuni Emmanuel.

In his response, the Area Manager Eng. Mujuni Emmanuel submitted that; various technical challenges that lead to no water in some parts of the city are to be handled within the shortest time possible, establishing more branches in highly populated areas like Nyendo, Kyabakuza and Kimanya/ Kabonera is in the works, establishment of more Public Stand Pipes (PSPs) and, the sensitization of various communities in regard to the tariff, sewer services and Water loss will be done.

Eng. Mujuni also pledged to work with the office of the Mayor and environmentalists to ensure that the water sources are highly protected and nurtured. He also called for bi-annual meetings with the stakeholders for the sake of any queries and feedback on how to better serve the people under the NWSC Masaka umbrella.

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