Water Herald


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National Water and Sewerage Corporation has been given the green light to take-over the Bunenero and Nyakibungo water supply systems. This was done during a special Rubaya Sub-County council sitting during which NWSC was represented by the General Manager-Mbarara Area, Eng. Francis Kateeba.

The water systems located within Rubaya sub-county in Mbarara district will be the newest addition to NWSC’s operations following a series of meetings held with the executive leadership of the sub county, visits to the sources and water characterization.

Notably, the sources identified will boost the water supplied to the sub county by NWSC via the
Boma tanks, Biharwe booster and tank system, this in essence will pave way for further
consolidation and annexure of the bigger part of the sub county onto the NWSC grid, which will
ultimately lead to network expansion and business growth.

The NWSC Mbarara Area Engineer, Eng. Brian Tushabomwe guaranteed the councilors that upon
official takeover, the two sources will add more water to enable NWSC expand into the unserved areas of the Sub County whereas Eng. Kateeba appealed to the councilors to embrace the takeover as it will avail enough water to supply the designated Rubaya industrial park in the short-medium term.

The resolution passed for the NWSC takeover was unanimous and the process simply awaits clearance from the district leadership.

NWSC is Committed to Water for All for a Delighted Customer by a Delighted Workforce.

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