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In our nature of work, the words data and analysis have become synonymous with our planning, and preparation. Many people fear the words data, analysis, and Databases.

So this piece won’t go into details of data analysis but rather on the simplification and understanding of the process that can enable us do the analysis.

So basically, I will be making data analysis easier to comprehend and make decisions.

So how do we start this journey? Well we need to appreciate data, the analysis and interpretation process so as to make meaningful decisions. What data is and how analysis helps us make sense of given information. Kindly note that a collection of information makes data, and organizing it to make sense for informed decisions is what data analysis is all about.

Someone may ask; how do I start to make sense out of the available data, and analyze it to make informed decisions, well it is not a trick but here is some guidance. Start by asking some leading questions that will enable us make informed decisions such as WHY, WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHEN and HOW.

So people will ask, "does it have to be in the given order"? Well it may not be, but it is the preferred order to start with.

Let us start the process with WHY we need the given data(purpose), which will help us to find out WHAT to achieve at the end of the process.

Once we have the WHY and what, then we shall be able to identify WHICH report we can use to help us attain the desired information for an informed decision.

Now, having tackled the WHY, WHAT, WHICH, we can now proceed to use the information to make informed decisions in regards to WHO needs it, WHEN it’s needed and How it is to be done which normally leads to us delegating work better, scheduling work and finding approaches that best enable us to achieve our desired goal or purpose.

Please note. Everything starts with the Why.

That is my thought process of data analysis, what is yours?

The order could differ; “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never change the goal.”

I hope I have simplified data analysis and you can find ways on how to use it to make informed

Written By: Swithin Busingye
Senior Commercial Officer (Kampala Water)

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