Water Herald


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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has over the years made significant strides in improving the lives of underprivileged communities by providing very affordable clean water and sanitation services. With most Ugandans living on less than a dollar a day, it is no wonder that the corporation has put the country on the global radar as a benchmark destination for efficient and sustainable interventions to ensure enhanced access to Water and Sanitation in underprivileged communities, catering to the most vulnerable members of society.

In this regard, the Managing Director of National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha recently hosted a delegation of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), whose mission was to study the corporation’s interventions to serve underprivileged communities efficiently, sustainably, and yet very affordably. 

The delegation, included: Ms. Milena Angelova – Secretary General of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), Mr. Florian Marin – President of the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Romania, Ms. Elena Sinkevičiūtė – Representative of the Lithuanian Youth Council, and Mr. Guillaume CHARTRAIN – Deputy Head of Mission / Head of the Political Press and Information Section.

Notably, the EESC Committee is a significant player in bringing civil society perspectives to European Union decision-making bodies. So, during their visit, they highlighted the importance of accountability in projects aimed at enhancing living standards and ensuring they effectively serve their intended purposes.

Dr. Eng. Mugisha appreciated the visit and echoed the NWSC’s commitment to providing clean and safe water to all Ugandans, a promise he emphasised, will be kept. While highlighting ongoing projects aimed at enhancing water supply countrywide to aid in the guests’ comprehension of NWSC’s commitment to excellent service delivery, he emphasised the importance of acknowledging the positive advancements and efforts being made to improve sanitation in Uganda and across Africa. 

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) was then treated to a benchmarking visit to assess NWSC water and sanitation facilities including; Kiswa market state of the art toilets, and the Mbuya C.O.U primary school toilets. The delegates also received a demonstration of the prepaid meter while at the International Resource Center-Bugolobi, to fully utilize their findings from the projects for informed decision making on interventions and to facilitate future projects.

The clean facilities at Mbuya primary school and Kiswa market’s rather interesting architecture impressed the EESC delegates who also noted the additional benefit of providing space for businesses, thereby creating more employment opportunities at the market.

The team, coordinated by NWSC Consultant Engineering Services, Eng. Alex Gisagara covered various aspects of the SUSTEQ prepaid meter system, including the functionalities from loading tokens to refunding remaining balances if a customer withdraws less water than the amount loaded on their card, among other features.

Impressively, the corporation has installed over 40 new tech SUSTEQ prepaid meters across multiple informal settlements in the greater Kampala Metropolitan, charging only Ugx25 per 20 litre jerrycan against the domestic Ugx100 per 20 litre jerrycan, to ensure that the underprivileged Ugandans get to enjoy their right to clean water and sanitation.

At the Katosi Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) in Mukono district, the EESC delegation engaged in an educational tour of the plant. One of the most impressive aspects that captivated the delegation was the advanced technology utilized, including the Aquadaf system known for its efficiency in water treatment, and the data-driven SCADA system. They were also impressed by the plant’s environmental conservation efforts, such as tree planting initiatives, the presence of an incinerator for solid waste disposal, and effective wastewater management practices.

The NWSC is committed to excellent service delivery to all Ugandans, and continues to live up to the title of the finest water utility in Africa.

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