Non-Revenue Water (NRW) remains a persistent challenge for the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC). Despite concerted efforts in recent months, NRW levels still exceed international benchmarks, prompting a focused endeavor to address this issue head-on.
One significant initiative in this ongoing battle against NRW involved a specialized training workshop held at NWSC’s International Resource Center in Bugolobi. On Friday, 22nd May, a select group comprising Area Managers and Engineers convened to elevate their knowledge on strategies for NRW management and enhancing operational efficiency.
Facilitated by the Regional Operations Office under the guidance of Eng. Alex Gisagara, Senior Director of Engineering Services, along with Regional Senior Managers of Operations and Planning (SMOPs), the workshop featured expert presentations by NRW specialists within NWSC. These presentations dissected the computation, causes, and repercussions of NRW, shedding light on both global trends and local impediments.
The core of the workshop lay in interactive group sessions where participants explored innovative technologies and methodologies for leak detection, pressure management, and water loss control. Through practical exercises, attendees were able to bridge the gap between theory and practice, gaining invaluable insights into implementing NRW reduction strategies in real-world scenarios.
The training instilled a sense of urgency among participants regarding the impact of NRW on NWSC’s operations. Armed with practical skills and a deeper understanding of NRW management principles, attendees were encouraged to forge partnerships and engage in knowledge-sharing initiatives to collectively combat NRW challenges.
In his closing remarks, Eng. Alex Gisagara commended the organizers for their efforts and urged participants to leverage the workshop as a catalyst for positive change. He emphasized the importance of continuous learning and readiness to confront NRW challenges with resilience and innovation.
NWSC aims to not only minimize NRW but also optimize its operations for the benefit of all stakeholders.