Water Herald


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In a proactive move towards community engagement, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) recently participated in a grievance redress meeting at Kagera LC1 on December 6th, 2023. The meeting, attended by key stakeholders such as the Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Chairman LCV-Isingiro District, Chairpersons LC3, LC2 & LC1, Councilors, and community members, focused on the reconstruction of a community school that was demolished at the NWSC-Kagera Water Treatment Plant.

The primary agenda of the meeting was the swift reinstatement of the demolished school, and NWSC’s commitment to utilize its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach for the reconstruction efforts. The Sub-County Council had initially proposed relocating the school to a neighboring village, a decision that was met with resistance from the user community.

The significance of this engagement did not go unnoticed, as the proceedings were covered by TV West, providing a platform for the broader public to witness the positive developments fueled by NWSC. 

However, a positive turn of events occurred when the end users secured an alternative piece of land at no cost from Mr. Chris Tumuhimbise, also known as Karambasi. This generous offer provided a suitable location for rebuilding the school, addressing the concerns of the affected community members.

In response to the community’s initiative, the Sub-County Chairman LC3, Kakamba, was entrusted with convening another council meeting with the objective to formally withdraw the initial resolution and endorse the use of the new site for the school’s reconstruction by December 20th, 2023.

Expressing gratitude, both the RDC, Chairman LCV, and Chairman LC3 commended NWSC for choosing to actively participate in the school’s reconstruction instead of opting for a monetary compensation of 5.6 Million for the two demolished classroom blocks. This decision clearly portrayed NWSC’s commitment to the well-being of the community.

The NWSC team was further treated to a tour of the new site, and members expressed appreciation to Mr. Chris Tumuhimbise for his generous contribution of the land. The positive collaboration between NWSC and the community was a highlight of the meeting, emphasizing the corporation’s dedication to fostering meaningful relationships with the areas it serves.

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