Water Herald


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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is making waves in staff development as the assessments for 2023 kick off at the Ggaba VSDF. Emphasizing training and capacity development in their Corporate Plan 2021–2024, NWSC is dedicated to imparting relevant skills to its workforce for continual performance improvement.

In a refreshing move, NWSC has adopted innovative and cost-effective methods for staff training, with a focus on modular competence-based training through vocational skills training and assessment. This approach has seen over 700 staff members acquire various competences in 2023 alone, with 641 undergoing assessments for qualifications in 11 different occupations.

The spotlight however, was on 85 Customer Service Advisers (CSA) who have begun their assessments at the Ggaba VSDF. This follows closely on the heels of 75 staff members set to undergo assessments at WESREC, Ishaka, this Saturday, November.

The CSA candidates were far from shy about expressing their gratitude to NWSC’s leadership for prioritizing skill development and allocating substantial resources to uplift their expertise. NWSC’s commitment to nurturing its workforce is evidently paying off.

Ms. Joyce Bakiire, the Acting Senior Director of Business and Scientific Services, warmly welcomed and congratulated the candidates for reaching this crucial stage. In a motivational tone, she urged them to translate their newfound skills into tangible, outstanding results for the Corporation. Quoting Shep Hyken, she emphasized the importance of delivering impeccable service, stating, “When a customer is satisfied and everyone is happy, the job is not finished, give them a reason to come back.”

Acknowledgements were extended to key figures instrumental in this initiative, including Managing Director Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha, the Board, Executive Management, Senior Director-BSS Dr. Rose Kaggwa, Ag. Senior Director BSS/SM T&CD Madam Joyce Bakiire, CSA Trainers Mr. George Kasule and Mr. David Opoka, and the entire Training Team.

As NWSC continues to invest in its workforce, the stage is set for a future where skilled and motivated staff contribute to the corporation’s success, one satisfied customer at a time.

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