Water Herald


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Writen By John Fisher Sekabira

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation opened a new service center in the Kamwezi sub-county, Rukiga district. The service center is in line with the Corporation’s ongoing expansion drive, focusing on water for all Ugandans.

Speaking at the event, the chief guest and LC5 Rukiga district, Hon. Robert Mbabazi Kakwerere thanked the Managing Director-NWSC, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, and his team for the quick response to customer concerns. He scored NWSC as the best performing utility in Government.

Hon. Mbabazi Kakwerere also thanked the Management of NWSC for extending services to more people in Uganda, which is in tandem with the NRM Manifesto, and urged the community to work hand in hand with NWSC to guard the utility installations.

NWSC Deputy Managing Director-Finance and Corporate Strategy, Dr. Sylvia Tumuhirwe Alinaitwe attributed the NWSC Board and Top Management’s passion towards water for all, and commended the community for supporting government projects thus NWSC projects that entail the purchase of land, laying of pipes in their lands at among others. She also sensitized the community against vandalism of water infrastructure and water theft, and she urged NWSC staff to maintain the same level of service across the board and subsequently improve the likelihoods in the Rukiga area.

Some of the planned projects in Kamwezi include; Laying of 6km of transmission main along Nyakihanga Road to the border, drilling of 3 motorized boreholes, (kamwezi, Omunkole, kinyamoozi), 3. 65km of pipeline to be laid in 28 villages under 4 parishes, and Solar systems to power the new boreholes.

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